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A large three-dimensional tactile model of the Alexander Palace is now installed in the palace's vestibule as part of our new programme of tours for the blind and visually impaired. The programme is going to be launched this summer.

The 1:140 model of Giacomo Quarenghi's eighteenth-century architectural masterpiece was painstakingly made by the Studio 22 mock-up workshop, with each exterior detail copied in miniature.

The model is flanked by scaled-down tactile copies of the two sculptures flanking the palace colonnade, A Youth Playing Svaika by Alexander Loganovsky and A Youth Playing Knucklebones by Nikolay Pimenov.

Tsarskoe Selo offers special programmes for blind and visually impaired visitors since 2015, when tactile models of the Catherine Palace and the Martial Chamber became available together with other tactile materials. Our interactive project Catherine Park by Touch was launched in 2022.

Read about our accessible environment projects

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