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Carriage rides, or in winter Russian sleigh rides, are on offer from the Tsarskoe Selo Equestrian Complex located in the buildings of the former Imperial Farm, which has the country’s largest fleet of historical carriages and sleighs. A particularly memorable experience is provided by a ride in the Glass Landau that was made in Germany and modelled on Emperor Nicholas II’s grand carriage.

Winter Sleigh Rides at the Alexander Park

Enjoy the unforgettable winter views of the Alexander Park while riding in a two-horse open four-seated sleigh. Rides without advance booking are available only on weekends and holidays from the Golden Gates (near the Large Chinese Bridge). Pre-booked rides are available on all winter days, depending on weather conditions. Additionally by request: Russian style meal & live folklore music.
Please Note: No rides when temperature below -17°C or during blizzard, heavy snow or rain.

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