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On 15 October 2019 Tsarskoe Selo and PAO Gazprom announced a large-scale reconstruction project titled The Private Space of Catherine II. The project aims to revive in 2019-23 eight interiors in the Zubov Wing of the Catherine Palace destroyed during World War Two.

The eight masterpieces of classicism planned for reconstruction include the Blue Study or Snuffbox, the Mirror and Silver Studies, the Bedroom, the Domed and Chinese Halls, the Dressing Room and the Raphael Room. Created in the eighteenth century by Charles Cameron and Giacomo Quarenghi, those were the private rooms of Catherine the Great exquisitely decorated with coloured glass, gilt bronze, silver, faience plaques, paintings and Chinese lacquers.   

Work on the Blue Mirror and Silver Studies, the Bedroom and the Domed Hall will start later this year. The reconstruction designs of the remaining three interiors, including the Chinese Hall, are still in process.

The watercolours, pre-war photographs and 1917 Autochromes of the interiors in the Museum’s collection serve as priceless iconographic sources for this project.

The previous successful collaborations between Tsarskoe Selo and Gazprom include restoration of the Catherine Palace Chapel finished in April 2019 and reconstruction of the palace’s Lyons Hall finished later in June.

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