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NOTE: Parks open from 3rd July

Even though Tsarskoe Selo like many other museums had to shut its doors due to the coronavirus pandemic, we remain accessible here on our official website and on our social media channels.

We have been and will be offering online tours of our museum displays and we hope you will be delighted (even though the broadcasts are in Russian) and come back for more.


8 July (Wed), 7 p.m. (MSK)Catherine Park's Landscape Area   (no English subs yet, sorry)
Online Tour in Electric Car around the Great Pond: breathtaking views, quiet alleys, green meadows and park pavilions under the setting sun



GOLD ON LAZULI   English Subtitles
Online broadcast of a film by Alexei Oliferuk
about reconstruction of the Lyons Hall in the Catherine Palace

Catherine Palace Online Tour, Part 1 English & French Subtitles
A walk with a palace guide through several State Rooms
including the Great Hall and the Amber Room

Catherine Palace Online Tour, Part 2 (no English subs yet, sorry)
A walk with a palace guide through the rooms designed by architect Charles Cameron:
Arabesque and Lyons Halls, Green Dining Room, State Blue and Chinese Blue Drawing Rooms, Choir Anteroom, Bedchamber of Maria Fyodorovna, Painting and Sculpture Studies

Catherine Palace Online Tour, Part 3 (no English subs yet, sorry)
A walk with a palace guide through the rooms housing our permanent display The Romanovs at Tsarskoe Selo

A White Night at Tsarskoe Selo   (no English subs yet, sorry)
Prerecorded online nighttime tour of the Cameron Gallery and the Catherine Palace's Great Hall with Museum Director

Alexander II at Tsarskoe Selo  (no English subs yet, sorry)
Online tour of the former rooms of Emperor Alexander II in the Zubov Wing of the Catherine Palace

Catherine Palace Chapel Online Tour (no English subs, sorry)
A fascinating summary of its history and restoration
delivered by Ms Maria Ryadova, Head Architect of Tsarskoe Selo

Catherine Park: Old Garden
Online Tour (no English subs yet, sorry)
Our guide will show you the regular part of the Catherine Park with park sculpture
along the alley linking the Catherine Palace with the Hermitage Pavilion

Cameron Gallery Online Tour (no English subs yet, sorry)
Our guide will tell you about the Gallery Ensemble of the 18th century,
conceived by Catherine II and built by the Scottish architect Charles Cameron

Alexander Park  (no English subs yet, sorry)
Online Tour in Electric Car of the park's New Garden and Neo-Gothic pavilions

Arsenal Pavilion Online Tour (no English subs, sorry)
Our Arms Collection Curator, Mr Gleb Arlyuk, shows our imperial arms and armour display

Court Carriages at Tsarskoe Selo Exhibition Online Tour (no English subs, sorry)

Online Tour of our permanent museum display
Russia in the Great War at the Martial Chamber
Our Men's Clothing Collection curator shows and talks about WWI uniforms
(no English subs, sorry)

Online Tour of the Exhibition (no English subs, sorry)
A Noble Family’s Silverware: The Naryshkin Mansion Treasure

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